June 28

Today we had a fun day, in the morning we had class as usual and we kept with the presentations. The presentations were really interesting, some people talked about the differences between London and Ecuador, others talked about their favourite place in London but almost everyone focused on the differences in the food. After classes we ate lunch and used the internet until 2:15 pm, because at that hour every day we begin our adventures. We left Netherhall House at 2:30 pm with our tickets for the aquarium and our tickets for the underground, in order to get there we had to take the jubilee line in the underground from Finchley Road to Westminster. In Westminster you find Big Ben and London Eye, the aquarium is next to London Eye. We entered the aquarium at 4:00 pm, we were amazed with all the fish, we saw some sea horses, sharks and more. My favorite animal was the penguin because they jumped into the water and swam and they were beautiful, after seeing the penguins we saw the sharks, they were huge and looked very heavy. Later we saw the turtles, they were very big and had claws, we also saw crabs. After the aquarium we had some free time so I went to Bond Street, there you can find Adidas, and other very nice stores. Later we went to Netherhall House and ate dinner, then we had the get together, a resident talked to us about his life and why he was in Netherhall House. After the talk Xavy sent us to sleep but in the four floor we had some problems so we went to bed at 12:00 pm.

In conclusion we had an amazing and productive day with a lot of fun and good experiences, I really enjoyed it.

By: Nicolás Vela

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