June 21

In this report I am going to talk about all the activities we did the 21 of June.
Firstly we went to have our breakfast but there were some people that get confused of the hour that we have the breakfast because it is a special hour al the Sundays.

After we had taken the breakfast our teacher told us that we need to prepare to solve the study guides so that we can get prepare for the final exams. Some of the people had to complete 2 study guides but there were also another people that could not complete 1 study guides.

After having a hard work with the study guides we went to mass, the church that we went to this week is a church that is near netherhall house and it is the church of St Thomas Moro. In my opinion this was the best mass that we went in England because I could understand all the mass and in this mass they didn’t sing like an opera, I think that this mass gets closer to the masses that we have in Ecuador.

After we finish hearing mass we return to netherhall and change our clothes to go and do some sport. We eat our lunch in the park because we take pack lunches to the park. We ate 2 sandwiches and Doritos with a coke and yogurt. 

After we had taken our lunch we went to see a place where we can made the soccer field.

The match that we played was Ecuador vs netherhall, this was a good match because we really made a good match but they won us, it was a lit bit obviously that they are going to win because they are like 4 to 7 years older than us.

Then we return to netherhall and take our diner and get rest for tomorrow.
I hope you enjoy this report and we are looking to seeing you.

By: Santiago Moya

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