June 24

Today we visited Cambridge University, it was a great adventure and a big campus with old buildings and a lot of traditions. First of all we have to take a train in the morning, so we travelled by the metro to kings cross train station were we saw on the station a thematic set from Harry Potter with the number 93/4 station, then we walked to take our train and we travel for one hour until we arrived at Cambridge University. We searched for a guide on the campus to understand more about what we were looking at, when we found one, he took us around the most significant places of the campus. We passed through a school called queens’ college which the guide explained to us was the only name in Cambridge with grammar problems. The reason was that the college was founded by more than one queen. We also discovered a bridge up a river call cam which give the   university its name “Cambridge”. We also saw the tree from which the apple that helped Newton to prove his theory about gravity fell.  Later when we went to eat we sat close to a swamp where we saw swans swimming with their young. Everything was ok until the swam got close to Alex, our netherhall house friend, because he was feeding the ducks and the swan get attracted so started attacking him to get his food, Alex started to try to scare the swan moving his bag like a scared child but the animal didn’t move, it was getting more angry  and tried to bite Alex, after 15 minutes of battle between animal and human, the swan went away as if nothing had happened and Alex said ironically “swan 0 Human 1”, later we went back to our residence where we finish the day with a movie.

By: Erick Prado

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